Protect Your Teeth from Decay with Dental Fluoride Treatment
When Dr. Ivan Chan says we help keep your smile decay-free, we mean it! Fluoride treatment is another effective treatment at Glendale Dental Wellness to prevent tooth decay. Fluoride is a powerful mineral that strengthens your tooth enamel, making it more resistant to decay and acid attacks. In a quick, painless treatment, fluoride treatments in Glendale, California, help repair early signs of damage, preventing cavities from forming. It’s an added layer of protection that works alongside your regular brushing and flossing routine to keep your teeth strong and healthy for years.
How does fluoride keep my teeth healthy?
Your enamel faces a daily challenge to maintain minerals as it constantly loses them due to bacteria, acids, and the foods and drinks you consume. This process, known as demineralization, weakens the enamel, making your teeth more vulnerable to decay. However, fluoride comes to the rescue by reversing this process. Fluoride helps remineralize the enamel, replenishing lost minerals and making it harder and more resistant to acid attacks. Fluoride has also been found to reverse early signs of tooth decay.
Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral in fluoridated water, certain foods, and oral products like toothpaste and mouth rinse. Fluoride strengthens the enamel to make it repellant against decay-causing bacteria and corrosive acids. While you can acquire fluoride from everyday sources, sometimes these aren’t enough to maintain the necessary protective level. It would help if you had topical fluoride applications in a dental office to maintain healthy levels.
Although you hear fluoride treatment in children, it can benefit patients of all ages. For instance, Dr. Chan will recommend fluoride treatments to adults at high risk of gum recession or dry mouth.
What can I expect from fluoride dental treatments?
Like sealants, applying fluoride is a quick, painless procedure. The procedure begins with professional cleanings to remove plaque, tartar, and other unwanted deposits. The dentist will then dry your teeth and paint the fluoride varnish directly onto the teeth using a small brush. Fluoride adheres to the teeth and hardens quickly upon contact with saliva.
Sometimes, the dentist may use a tray filled with fluoride gel or foam. The tray is placed in your mouth, fitting over the teeth. You’ll bite down on the tray and hold it in place for a few minutes. Whatever method is used, the treatment is quick and effective.
After fluoride treatment, Dr. Chan will advise you not to drink or eat for 30 minutes to allow the enamel to take in the fluoride for maximum protective benefits. Similarly, avoid flossing or brushing your teeth for 4-6 hours to avoid disrupting absorption.
Are fluoride treatments safe?
Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral, and our topical applications boost your enamel, much like how protein supplements support muscle growth. However, we understand that excessive fluoride exposure can cause digestive issues and enamel discoloration, especially in children with developing teeth. That’s why we carefully apply fluoride within safe limits to ensure its effectiveness and your safety.
Do you need fluoride treatments?
Dr. Chan is excited to protect your teeth against decay with quick yet effective fluoride treatments. Whether you or your loved ones find this procedure beneficial, we are happy to help. Call 818-243-3838 to schedule an appointment with Glendale Dental Wellness.